Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ruby and Postgres

I've been trying to learn Ruby recently (rails comes later), and as an exercise I decided to write an ETL connector to load transaction data into my financial database. getting it to work with Postgres was a few steps so I thought I'd post it here as it's a pretty self-contained example.

First do these steps
  • install postgres-server-dev
  • sudo gem install postgres
  • sudo gem install pg
  • gem contents pg will allow you to view examples

  • Here's my code that converts the csv file and loads it up. I could not figure out how to turn of autocommit (we all know how I feel about autocommit) so I just start a transaction asap. I also couldn't figure out how to see how many rows are inserted with each insert statement like in perl, so I just used the PK. Enjoy!

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'pg'
    raise 'usage: ruby usbank.rb csvfile' if not ARGV[0]

    @conn ={:host=>'localhost',:user=>'DBUSER',:dbname=>'DBNAME'})

    def getid
    @conn.exec('select max(txn_id::numeric)+1 as txn_id from txn')[0]['txn_id']

    file =[0], "r")

    begin_id = getid()

    while (line = file.gets)
    @array = line.split(",")
    date = @array[0]
    item = "#{@array[1]} #{@array[2]} #{@array[3]}"
    amount = @array[4]
    puts "#{amount} #{date} #{item}"

    query = "insert into txn (date, amount, cat_id, item, source_id, txn_id)
    ( select nextval('txn_id_seq'))
    where not exists (
    select 1 from txn where date= \'#{date}\' and amount=#{amount}

    end_id = getid()
    puts "#{Integer(end_id) - Integer(begin_id)} updated."


    turn off autocommit for psql

    Every time I fire up a new instance of postgres, I forget how to turn off autocommit for psql. Searching on it, mostly I found a series of people saying "just begin a transaction." This makes NO sense! All it takes is one time of forgetting to begin a transaction, then one forgotten or ill-formed where clause on your delete statement and you're sitting on the floor crying. I am not sure why this is the default. So here is a post that will hopefully bubble above the People Not Answering The Question.

    Anyways, it's pretty easy. Just

    cd ~
    vim .psqlrc
    and make it look like this
    viola! Now you may enjoy the wonders of Postgres (including transactional ddl, my favorite), without having to keep looking over your shoulder.